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as of June 30, 2021

The following component funds have been established within the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation by gifts and bequests from individuals, families and organizations.


Donor-Advised Funds
These funds provide individuals and families the opportunity to support
impact areas that align with their passion.

Abidin Family Fund 

Adiuvans Fund 

Adiuvans Relief Fund 

Alexandra Summers Fund 

Alice P. Meador Fund 

Andrew and Kelli Block Family  Fund 

Anne McIntyre Black Memorial  Funds 

Anne Russell Gwyn and A. Stuart  Robertson Jr. Fund 

At Last Fund 

Austin Germani Memorial Fund 

Ballyshannon Fund 

Bama Green Conservation Fund 

Batten Family Fund 

Beauford Family Fund 

Beth Berne Fund 

Betty and David Whitcomb Fund 

Birdsall Family Fund 

Blue Ridge Graphics John F. and Ruth G. Kulick Fund 

Bocock/Hitz Fund 

Bonner Family Fund 

Boyd C. Tinsley Fund 

Bradley Hunt Gunter and Meredith  Strohm Gunter Family Fund 

Breath of Hope Fund 

Brittany Hope Bishop Fund 

Brookfield Bocock Fund 

Broome Family Fund 

Bruner Family Fund 

Carl and Khabira Wise Fund 

Carol & Jack Weber Fund 

Carol and Sheryl Simon Fund 

Carpe Diem Fund 

Carter Myers Automotive Fund 

Catalysis Fund 

Christopher and Pamela W. Gale  Family Fund 

CMA Borches Fund 

The Cox Family Fund  

Croson Family Funds 

Crutchfield Fund 

David and Carolyn Beach Fund 

Diana Foster and Thomas H. Jones  Fund 

Donovan Family Fund 

Dorman Weiss Family Fund 

Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes' Fund 

Dr. Vito A. Perriello Jr. Memorial  Fund 

Dreamer Fund 

Dulaney Fund 

Dunstan Fund 

Eco-Living Fund 

Elizabeth Fray Marshall Fund 

Ella D. and Richard P. Strubel Fund 

Elsie and Alexander Kirkpatrick  Memorial Fund 

Eric S. and Kelley I. Johnson Family  Fund 

Fennell Family Fund 

Fernald Family Fund 

Fisher Family Fund 

Frank A. and Mary S. Dodge  Charitable Fund 

Frank and Gloria D'Alessandro  Fund 

Fun is for Everyone Fund 

The FUNd at CACF 

Gateway Fund 

George R. Leaman Fund 

Gordon and Brenda Hair Family Endowment Fund 

Gould Family Fund 

Great Eastern Management  Company Fund 

The Greenstone Fund  

Heiner Family Fund 

Henry J. Javor Fund 

Hewitt Family Fund 

Horton Foundation Fund 

Hoskins Family Fund 

Huffman Family Funds 

James S. and Elizabeth A. Brown  Fund 

Jane E. and Dennis B. Sigloh Fund 

Jane Shields Fund 

Jeremy Pinkerton Memorial Fund 

JLRS Family Fund 

John Laurence and Martha M. Sanford Fund 

John R. Redick Fund 

JPC Lloyd Family Fund 

Judy and Jeffrey Morton Fund 

Karen Moran and Wistar Morris  Family Fund 

Kathryn B. & F. Troost Parker Fund 

Keats Family Fund 

KJPK Fund 

Larsen Family Fund 

Lee Seaton Fund 

Leffler-Koran Family Fund 

Leonard Rose Memorial Fund 

LeRoi H. Moore Fund 

LeRoi Moore Memorial Fund 

Linda Verhagen Fund 

Living Water Fund 

Lois M. Stahl Memorial Fund 

Madwoman Project Fund 

Martin Family Fund 

Marvin Moss Charitable Fund 

Mary-Mac and Don Laing Fund 

Maxwell Fund 

McLean Family Fund 

McMahon-Gioeli Community Well  Fund 

Mental Health Services Fund 

Merry Christmas Fund 

Mildred K. and Henry J. Abraham  Fund 

Mitombo Fund 

MoreLove Charitable Fund 

Morgenstern Fund 

Murray Fisher Family Fund 

Norman and Brownie Morris Charitable  Fund 

Nunley-Satira Family Fund 

Oscar F. Smith/Marjorie Smith Charles/Angie Newman Johnson Fund 

Owls Roost Fund 

Palmer Fund 

Party Parade Fund 

Peggy and Page Williams Family Fund 

Perrin and Peggy Quarles Fund 

Phoebe's Nest Fund 

Poist Family Fund 

Pollak Family Fund 

Prana Fund 

Pumpkin Seed Fund 


Quantitative Investment Management  Fund 

R & J Nunley Fund 

R. B. "Doc" & Thelma Miller Fund 

Risa Goluboff and Richard Schragger Charitable Fund 

Rodney F. and Elizabeth W. Beckwith  Fund 

Rossetter-Cuthbert Fund 

Rotgin Family Fund 

Round Hill Fund 

Ruth E. and Lloyd F. Miller Fund 

SEG Family Fund 

Sherri King O'Connor Memorial Fund 

Smyth Foundation Fund 

St. Francis of Assisi Fund 

Standish Family Foundation Fund 

Starr Hill/Red Light Fund 

Sterba Family Fund 

Stillfield Fund I 

Susan W. Davenport & W. Edgar Spigle  Fund 

Thomas H. Purvis Legacy Fund 

Tilman Family Fund 

Tim and Marie Taylor Fund 

Tucker Rowan Bishop Charitable  Foundation Fund 

Tussi & John Kluge Council Fund #1 


Vaughan Family Fund 

Venerus Family Fund 

Vesta Lee Gordon Fund 

Virgil and Margaret Wagner Fund 

Virginia Invasive Species Mitigation  Fund 

VYBC Family Fund 

Wallace and Dolores Bedell Fund 

War Heroes Initiatives Fund 

Watson Family Fund 

What a Great Idea Fund 

Whitley Family Fund 

Wildan Fund 

Committee-Advised Funds

These funds provide groups of individuals an ability to pool contributions and collaborate on grant distributions. 

ACPS Families Helping Families 

Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews  Band 

Blue Ridge Rotary Foundation Fund 

Charlottesville City School's PTO and  Teacher Reopening Fund 

Charlottesville Rotary Funds 

Community Children's Theatre Fund 

CVille ReLeaf 

Early Childhood Funders Network  Fund 

Friends of Downtown Charlottesville 

Fund for the Virginia Environmental  Endowment 

The Grove  

Kendall Stacey Legacy Fund 

Louisa County Community Fund 

MAPP2 Health Fund 

NAMI Charlottesville Area Fund 

Nelson County Public Schools Fund 

Orange County Education Funds 

Twentieth Century Merchants Fund of Charlottesville-Albemarle Retail Merchants Association 

Twice is Nice 

UVA Health System-CACF Partnerships Committee-Advised Fund 

Field of Interest and Designated Funds 

Endowed Field of Interest Funds address a particular aspect of community life. Endowed Designated Funds support a specific nonprofit(s) through regular gifts in perpetuity.   

Andrea Bureman Endowment for  Orange County Humane Society 

Ben Hair Just Swim for Life  Endowment 

Blue Ridge House Fund 

Caroline O. Green Fund 

Community Emergency Response  Fund 

Coralee "Coco" Davis Fund 

Edith B. Baber Fund 

Endowment Fund for Charlottesville  Free Clinic at CACF 

Health FOI Fund 

John H. Wright Agricultural Education  Fund

Legare, Cornelia and Martha Tarrant  Fund 

Martha Jefferson Infirmary Fund 

The Miller School Alumni Association  Funds

Monticello Guard Memorial Fund 

Nature and Wildlife Preservation Fund 

Reach Out and Read for  Charlottesville 

Sentara Martha Jefferson Community Health Impact Fund 

Smyth Fund for Nursing at Martha  Jefferson Hospital 

Smyth Fund for Nursing at Piedmont  Virginia Community College 

Smyth Fund Supporting the Nature  Foundation at Wintergreen 

Soggy Dollar-Virgin Island Community  Fund 

TEDx Charlottesville Fund 

The Women's Initiative Designated  Fund 

Yvonne Mason Fund for the Benefit of  the Chville-Albemarle Rescue Squad 

Scholarship Funds 

These funds provide support for students in their pursuit of education.

Acorn Scholarship 

Adam Fargo Memorial Scholarship  Fund 

Benjamin Hair Memorial Fund 

Brian M. Huffman Agricultural Fund 

CBIC Tech Tour Scholarship Fund 

Celebration of Teaching Scholarship  Fund 

Charlottesville 12 Scholarship Fund 

Charlottesville Scholarship Program  Funds 

Clark Educational Opportunity Fund 

CMA's Moving Lives Forward Scholarship  Fund 

Crofton Hill Scholarship Fund 

Preston Coiner Scholarship Fund 

Earle H. Blankenbaker Scholarship  Fund 

Ed Ford Fund 

Elizabeth & Greg Allen Opportunity  Fund 

Emily Couric Leadership Scholarship  Funds 

Ennis D. and Frances Deane Haney  Memorial Fund 

Fluvanna Education Community Scholarship Fund 

Fredi Davis Young Writers Workshop Scholarship Fund 

George W. Haney Hokie Fund 

Giles Family Fund 

Grace Tinsley Memorial Scholarship  Program 

Grandmothers' Fund 

Hantzmon Wiebel LLP Educational  Fund 

Henry and Janice Peskin Fund 

John S. and Emily T. Watterson Fund 

Joseph J. Saunders III Fund 

Kelly Hansen Watt Memorial  Scholarship Fund 

Marr Scholars Fund 

Monticello High School Academic Fund 

Orange County Education Scholarships 

Paul W. Bragg Scholarship Fund 

Robert and Barbara Barton Scholarship  for the Humanities 

Robert and Elizabeth Wicks  Scholarship  Fund 

Samuel and Evelyn Linden Scholarship  Fund 

Saraswati Fund 

Smyth Education Fund 

VSI Athlete Scholarship Fund 

Agency Funds

These investments held by nonprofits generate income to support endowments and/or operating funds. The Community Foundation currently holds funds for the following organizations:

Albemarle Charlottesville Historical  Society 

Alliance for Interfaith Ministries 

Barrett Early Learning Center 

Botanical Garden of the Piedmont 

Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Virginia 

 Building Goodness 

Camp Holiday Trails 

Chancellor Street Preschool

Charlottesville Police Foundation 

Charlottesville Tai Chi Center 

Child Health Partnership 

Community Chalkboard 

Community Public Charter School 

Companion Animal Fund 

Compassionate Friends 

Emergency Food Network 

Fluvanna County Public Library 

Fluvanna Historical Society 

Free Union Country School 

Friends of the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library 

Glen Burnie Cemetery 

Greene County Historical Society 

 Live Arts 

Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry 

Louisa County Historical Society 

Madison-Greene Humane Society 

Meals on Wheels of Charlottesville-  Albemarle 

Nelson County Community Fund, Inc. 

Oratorio Society of Virginia 

Partner for Mental Health 

Piedmont CASA 

Planned Parenthood South Atlantic 

Public Education Fund of  Charlottesville-Albemarle Inc. 


Region Ten Community Services, Inc. 

Shelter for Help in Emergency 

Skete of St. Maximos the Confessor 

St. Paul's Memorial Church 

The Center 

The CNE 

Thomas Jefferson Chapter, Sons of the  American Revolution 

Virginia Discovery Museum Fund 

Virginia Swimming 

Wednesday Music Club 

WorkSource Enterprises Fund 

Youth Orchestras of Central Virginia 

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